OfficeIRC Server is a highly evolved conference server allowing users to exchange messages in real-time. Users are required to use a chat client or applet (if using a web-browser) to access the server.
Key features:
- Internet Relay Chat Extensions (IRCX)
- Secure Encrypted Communication (SSL)*²
- Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)*
- Channel & Nickname Reservations
- Memorandum Services (Offline Messaging)
- Server-side Contact Lists*
- Message Archiving*
- Integrated Dynamic DNS Client (DDNS)
- Jabber IM Gateway (XMPP)*
- Internet Blacklists (DNSBL)*
- Federal Standards Compliant (FIPS)
- Full Logging Capabilities
- Single Sign-On (NTLM)*²
- Message Content Filtering
- Attack Protection, Captcha & IP Masking
- Server Linking (DreamForge compatible)
- Data Streaming (UDP, VoIP)*
- Bundled Flash Client (WebChat/WebIM*)
* Product feature are only available in certain editions.
*² Only available on Microsoft Windows platform.